2021 Anti Summer Love

My love has been lost somewhere in the abyss

Somewhere I can no longer find her, she left me once again

She is nowhere to be found and I am drowning in her scent of purity waiting on her return.

Shattered and unkept she left me, bitter and unclaimed.

Wild and untamed. She left me defenseless and vulnerable.

Convinced I am no longer in need of true love and better off broken…my love is no longer a token of joy for me…

She came and went, she came to vent, and left me with a burden too heavy to carry


So if you are looking for me….I left when she left & I will return once she finds me because I’ve searched high and low near and far and she has never appeared. She left me with not a hug not a goodbye not a see you later, not a thing.

She left me with unfinished dreams, misinformation, blind faith, not a soul to trust…not even my own