
In a nutshell “male leadership and domination” the controller of all resources.

So of course as a male you will be bias and strongly believe in this ideology and want to enforce it.

However, I have a few things to say about this style of leadership when it is given to the wrong male.

1. Let’s talk mindset. There are plenty of men who firmly believe women are lost without their leadership and need them in order to think. (Don’t argue because I know a few who have admitted this)

Well, allow me to tell you why this mindset is not only toxic, but an inappropriate approach when trying to lead women.

First and foremost, who told you that & why is it so easy for you to believe that? Hmmmm…that right there shows that you’re not even leading yourself.

Did you know real leaders are also great followers, not docile and misinformed followers, but leaders have goals and they will not fold their vision; however they are willing to be flexible in their strategy on how to get there. What if the voice of a woman is what you need? You wouldn’t know because you don’t see women as leaders so now your ship is sinking. Be open-minded.

Anyways, I want to know where are you leading these women that you call “lost” especially since the mindset you’ve adopted isn’t your own nor is it conducive to your goals; unless your goal comes from shallowness and insecurity. I really am curious to know why you think you can lead someone and you don’t even have your own thoughts about where you should take them and why.

What makes you think a woman is incapable of having a vision and leading her own life or even helping you lead your life? Thats ignorant, are you not the child of a woman who lead her life and made a choice to carry you for 9 months when she could’ve aborted you or took that plan b? Aww ok.

& believe me there will always be resistance when a woman’s vision for her life is being manipulated by someone who is not supporting it or deterring her away from what feels right to her. Real leaders are HIGHLY AWARE OF THIS CONCEPT CALLED ALIGNMENT


2. Let’s talk history. All over this planet women have been treated as either the most hated Queens or as property of their husbands. Just in case all of the Patriarchs forgot that part.

When you subjugate a person to your rules and make them your co-dependent; shouldn’t you have the means to provide for their every need without complaints? That is your property, you are responsible for maintaining it. You’re a man and a leader right? You know the way and you know what these lost women need right? Okay, great.

2. Let’s talk finances. There are plenty of wealthy men that bait women with money OR use their wealth as a way to intimidate and demean them. Then there are those that can’t bait with money so they sit on the sidelines nagging about how much of a gold digger a woman is, as if you not gold diggin for her pxxxy & mouth. A READ, but see honest leaders don’t deflect, place blame, or shy away from accountability. So, tell me again how you’re fit to lead a lost woman if you are lost in the lies you tell yourself? Awe okay leader.

The wealthy men can’t compensate emotionally and mentally so they floss their material things and successes while, penny pinching Todds’ and James’ sit around with no money and unhappy playing the victim of life

They resent the access rich men have to women and hate the women who prefer those wealthy men because she is not interested. So he feels invalidated.

I am really trying to figure out how do y’all expect to be leaders and yall can’t even lead y’all selves to emotional maturity without degrading the same thing you’re obsessed with…..oop

3. Let’s talk intimidation. Most of the men parading around about how a woman needs their leadership are actually slightly intimidated because she has empowered herself and the very thing you feel she needs didn’t come from you. Most men slow women down when they try to lead them. Sir, you are a supporting role. You are not the leading character in a woman’s life. Boy BYE!


I believe in romance, I believe in love

I believe in holding hands & I believe in us

I believe in trust and following your heart.

I believe what’s bad for you can be amazing for your heart.

I believe in compromise and I also believe in boundaries

I believe in leaving me better off than how you found me

-Roni Ron


I am over it all, redesigning my life, and pursing the visions I have for myself.

I can’t see me they way you see me because the way you treat me, shows me how you see me.

I can’t settle for your image of me, that won’t work for me.

It aches my heart and soul to release you, but I have to break free.

I need me, I need a fresh and new start.

I have finally accepted unrequited love.

I have accepted what this could have been, but isn’t.

This time I am finally saying hello to a new beginning.

& thank you to my beautiful mistakes, innocent failures, and relentless patience.

This time I am finally living for me no matter what you say or think about it.

I am finally whole again ✨🌹🕊

-Ronisha Renae


They say visionaries see the big picture and often overlook the details

I can agree, but might I add the details could possibly be the necessary mistakes made along the way.

After constant mistakes, I’ve realized the missing of the details lead to the big picture. That is life happening.

That is life grooming you for the battles while pursing the vision.

After much failure I am a firm believer that maybe, just maybe “that needed to happen”

Anyways, happy birthday to my baby sister! Rashai


Late Post

Dang, I forgot to post yesterday….

Well can’t change the past lol so umm I guess this is the subject of this post until I make time for a longer post about my feelings. I could probably write a poem; we will see where my spirit leads my mind.


So I did a thing…

A great thing…

An exciting thing…

Okay, first let me say this…I know I said I was done with music, but it’s who I am literally lol

Soooo um I guess now y’all know what I’m saying

I finished my new album yesterday! My first 15 track musical project and I am sooooo happy about it!! I am literally going to cry in the car lol but yeah I’ll keep y’all updated 🙂

Follow me on snap ronimarsalis for sneak peaks 😉


No longer

I woke up this morning and the notion “I went through it so you can too” went through my mind. There are a lot of people who firmly believe that because they went through something that you should experience it too. Yes, to a certain degree you should always be aware of the old ways but as time is moving forward the way of life changes. Things advance and actually improve our way of living and make things easier for the next generation. Therefore, I have to say, we should no longer hold the next generation hostage to how we were brought up; especially to the things that were actually detrimental to our emotional and mental well-being.

So I have decided that I will NO LONGER welcome my energy to energies that restrict my freedom. I have the freedom to feel how I want to feel about the things that affect me. I have the freedom to enforce boundaries with people that don’t make me feel safe. I have the freedom to say no to environments that don’t appreciate me and want me to feel small. Although, I am small in physical size, I am big and mighty in spirit. I will no longer work with or be around people that want to use me and not meet my standard of how I expect to be treated.

I am withdrawing from a lot of people and places. I am going back to who I want to be, who GOD called me to be. I am going back to being the free-spirited, open hearted, and adventurous girl I was during my childhood and teenage years. I am putting my books before boys and I am not open to your gossip or issues anymore. Seek professional help like I do!

To the people who confide in me, I appreciate you trusting me, but I have my own trauma I need to face.

To the companies with “Now Hiring” I’m not working for a company that doesn’t want to pay my asking price, I’m not working for a company that allows workplace bullying. I am not coming and you can say what you want, but IDGAF.

To the open mic scene and musicians, I am not competing with y’all, my talent is uniquely mine and GOD sent. This is not a competition.

To the music competitions, either hire me as a guest performer or judge. I am not coming as a contestant so y’all can try to publicly embarrass me. & when I win y’all paying in “installments” bxtch I want ALL MY MONEY UPFRONT. Fxxk y’all and the competition.

I am living according to what I feel makes sense to me. I ‘m not working for a company that lies and pays bi-weekly. I want my money the day I perform my work. I gotta eat EVERYDAY

To the men looking for a “fun girl” & an extra wife or someone to abuse. I am NOT her, sir! You can forget about it…because I am very intolerant and I DO say what’s on my mind & I will fight back IDGAF.

To the family memembers mad at me because I chose to be creative and yall call me “weird” fxxk yo “normal” axs YOU’RE JUST A LOSER WHO GAVE UP ON YOUR OWN CREATIVE VOICE AND THAT IS NOT MY PROBLEM

To all the FAKE friends with no loyalty and secretly want my life, bye you dirty judas asx ho3.

To the people who size you me with the intent to discriminate, place you, mistreat you, etc. You can find a seat in the pits of hell right next to whoever taught you that bullshxt. Bye 👋

To the companies allowing people to steal other peoples art you can go to hell with your unethical practices and prejudice capitalism

I am NO LONGER allowing access to my energy if I feel you have any ill intent, shady all day, have low self-esteem, unhappy, dishonest, practice ageism, sexism, racism, a bully, etc. Fxxk off because this my mood FOREVA & you DO NOT WANT THE SMOKE 💨