Get Over You

I love you, but I am hurt

I want you, but I am hurt

You have shown me time and time again that I am not safe with you.

As much as I want to try again

I would be a fool to do so.

You will only show me again


Even though you are in my dreams

Even though you are on my mind

Even though I miss your laugh, your cuddles, your touch, your smile, you beautiful face, your constant need for affection and quality time.

I don’t need you in my dreams

I don’t want you on my mind

I don’t miss your abusive episodes, I don’t miss being called out of my name, I don’t miss being taunted, I don’t miss being judged, I don’t miss being belittled, I don’t miss being disrespected, I don’t miss being threatened, I don’t miss being hit, I don’t miss being manipulated, I don’t miss the drama, I don’t miss being lied too. I don’t miss the unloving behavior. I don’t miss the lies. I don’t miss the terror. I don’t miss the insults.

So just like me you need to Get Over Me.

So I can peacefully Get Over You.

I will always have love for you, you will keep a special place in my heart, but from a distance.

Be well and I hope things get better for you ❤️


Yallll my new album is now available for streaming 🥰🥳🤪

Apple Music:

Amazon Music:



YouTube Music:


Not interested!

I’m not interested in…

Fake love

Fake friends

Fake support

Emotional abusers

Jealous/envious “friends” and/or “family”

Unhappy people




The lost

The judgmental

Parts of me that was once influenced by that, is no longer here. I can’t relate to that hate.

Nothing less

When he serves me less than respect, it feels like I lose purpose every-time.

When he serves me less than love, I think he doesn’t have the capacity to be who he needs to be.

When he serves me ego and insults, I remember why I stay alone.

The choices he makes to bring me down all show me why I closed that door.

I can only empathize with him so much, now I have to do it from a distance.

When he serves me less that what I deserve I realize he doesn’t have the courage to be a better man that his environment.

Lord have mercy on the man who gives less to those that deserve more, including himself.



Beauty Marks

It was obvious to me that beauty came naturally to you.

I was hoping you would share it with me as I shared mine with you.

Both twisted and aware, we combined our journeys.

Risky it was, but the peaceful sleep was worth it.

A glimpse of heaven, a hug from the wind, a kiss from an Angel.

Your effortless beauty left an impression inside my heart

I will forever carry your BEAUTY MARKS

-Roni 💞

What Hurts the Most…

I’ve accepted that I’m not the first, I may not be the last, but my experience matters.

& when I told myself I was ready, I chose you. I chose to give us a chance. No judgments, just an experience, a risk.

& you abused and misused me.

You brought chaos into my life.

I sacrificed my time, my mind, my heart, my emotions, my peace, my being, my dreams, and my boundaries for us to work.

I thought I was in a good space.

It’s not fair, but I seen all the red flags.

So I will take part of the blame for the things I allowed. I realize I am NOT THAT STRONG.

I am fragile, delicate, and sensitive. You never let me feel, you never let me be myself, you never let me be there for you. I was NEVER ENOUGH for you. I understood you more than you thought.

I accepted you for who you were and seen who you could become with time, patience, love, honesty, and happiness.

I don’t have any ill will, I want you to be better.

What hurts the most is letting you go for real and still hoping that you are happy and love yourself enough to be better than how you were raised.

What hurts the most is losing myself again and being left to pick up the pieces you left me in.

What hurts the most is knowing I didn’t deserve to be treated so cruelly by you, when all I ever wanted to do was love you and be loved by you.

-Roni 🥀😪❤️‍🩹