Freedom at the Lake

I found myself again & it felt great.

I allowed myself to enjoy my existence and it felt liberating.

Words can’t describe the way I felt as the wind blew in my face.

There was no one to interfere with my joy.

She was only there to share it with me.

& with her graceful eye, she captured what I truly feel inside…

Peace 🙏🏽

My college bestie & I

Let’s take a SWIM

Swim with me in life’s ebbs and flows…

I almost began writing some profound poem but I knew my intentions were to chat about my wonderful Sunday lol.

I also wanted to write that first line since it came to my mind while I was in my car on my way home from swimming. All I’m trying to say is, if I mislead you…..oops I didn’t mean it 🙂

So first of all, I woke up & realized my Apple Pencil was missing and I tore my house apart looking for it. I never found it, but I wound up folding the laundry I kept stuffing in my closet because I thought I would find it somewhere in my clothes. I didn’t. Then I made breakfast for my sister, niece, and myself. Afterwards, we headed to Self-Defense class. But before all of that I was slightly irritated because of my missing Apple Pencil and a plethora of other things but that’s neither here nor there. So moving on, we arrived at Self- Defense class, I was actually not going to go because I get irritated with our teacher sometimes; He likes to go on these long rants whenever we make mistakes lol but I bit the bullet and put my protection first.

We got there and he conditions our bodies with weight training and then the rest of the class is all about a the good stuff (kickin butt) lmbo.

He said something in class that was so enlightening “It is better to have it and not need than too need it and not have it.” I felt this statement was the sister to “Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready” but I felt it was much more direct and comprehensive to helping a chaotic mind understand the WHY behind acquiring knowledge.

Anywho, Self-defense went well. We got smoothies afterwards and I knew I wanted to go Skating today too because I went two Sundays ago for my little cousin’s 5th bday & not only was the DJ jamming I truly enjoyed myself. We arrived at the rink and the music was givin TOP 40 Pop songs from Kidz Bob and I was likkkeee boy what is this? Where is the DJ from last Sunday? LMBO & they told me he was at the snack bar today so I went to the new DJ & requested he change the vibe up so I can feel the vibes. He did too I was surprised to see how he really switched turned it out in there. We skated literally for about 3 hours and then I was on my way to drop my niece off so I could go for a swim. (I am on a journey to find my piece of mind, by any means necessary lol)

We were getting on the highway and I heard a rip sound so I pulled over & why was my tire flat :/

I immediately thought in my head “Not today SATAN” but I just began looking for my tools to get my spare tire out and change the tire myself because I’ve always wanted to try this anyway. Anywho, I was able to remove the spare tire but I couldn’t get it unhooked from the wire and I couldn’t get the bolts loose enough LMAO!! I need to eat some more veggies and muscle builder hahahaha

So I called a friend he pissed me off, so I googled roadside assistance. One person said he doesn’t change tires anymore and he only tows so I hung up on him. My phone was dying and I was getting frantic and didn’t have time to waste. So of course I communicated with my mom about it and then I went to google again and this time the search engine was more specific “roadside assistance that fixes flat tires”

I found someone and as he was on the phone I noticed someone who pulled over to try and help, but he was just as helpless as me so I said Thanks but no thanks & my niece had me in the car crackin up because she said “ he only pulled over because he thought you were some helpless teen in this little blue car, but he came over YouTubing and wasting time” lol yall she is only 10 and has the perception of an adult! So I went ahead and told the other man to come by and fix my tire.

When he came he said “Hey I am surprised you got this far, most women would never even do this much” I said Hey I like saving money wherever I can lol” I basically did most of the work he just did the hard parts lol but anyway as he was pulling off my mama was pulling up. She followed me to make sure I made it home.

Once I was home I cooked watched some youtube and then guess what? I dropped my niece off to the movie theatre with her great aunt and was able to take care of some shopping and I was still able to go swimming 🙂

So I said all that to say…

My Sunday was awesome 🙂


I felt free again today….

A freedom I haven’t felt in a while

I am grateful for my life and I believe I’ll be okay

I feel like I can love again with no boundaries

I’ve realized who I am

My mind, my heart, my intentions…

I’m a dreamer…I love living in my dreams

& I was never wrong about life….

I was mislead by lies, manipulation, and abuse

Yes it came through others but I allowed it

This season I’m coming back to my dreams